Habitat Cape Cod’s 8th Annual “The Ride for Homes”
Sandwich, MA – Join Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod for their 8th Annual Walk, Run, Ride for Homes, presented by KAM Appliances, on Sunday, September 14th, 2025, at the US Coast Guard Station Cape Cod Canal in Sandwich. Featuring a 54-mile, 21-mile, or 14-mile bike ride, or participants can choose their own distance to walk or run along the Cape Cod Canal.
This annual fundraiser benefits Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod, which works to build affordable, energy-efficient homes for local families in need. Post-event lunch featuring lobster rolls, live entertainment and a chance to win a week’s stay in KEY LARGO.
Register now at https://habitatcapecod.org/events/ride-for-homes
Contact: Tara Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod Tara@habitatcapecod.org
Press Release 2: ART EXHIBITION
Art Exhibition to Benefit Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod
South Yarmouth, MA – This May, join Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod for an art exhibition by Barry Margolin titled "Don’t Need a Weatherman" at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod. Inspired by climate change, the exhibition runs from May 27th to June 21st, with a free opening reception on Friday, May 30th, from 5 to 8 PM.
100% of art sales will benefit Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod, supporting the building of energy-efficient homes.
Contact: Tara
Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod
Press Release 3: BUILDING ON FAITH
Building on Faith Breakfasts
Cape Cod, MA – Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod invites members of the faith community to join them for a morning of community and hope at the Building on Faith Breakfasts this May. This series of breakfasts will take place at various locations and will feature discussions on the future of Habitat's builds across Cape Cod. Participants are asked to choose the location closest to them!
- First Church Sandwich – May 7th at 9:30 AM
- The Federated Church of Orleans – May 8th at 9:30 AM
- South Congregational Church, Centerville – May 15th at 9:00 AM
During these gatherings, participants will learn about upcoming builds in Falmouth, Brewster, Orleans, Yarmouth, and Marstons Mills, and how the faith community can come together to build homes and strengthen neighborhoods.
Please RSVP by April 25th by emailing Tara@habitatcapecod.org.
Press Release 4: CAR SHOW
Cape Cod British Car Club Show: Cruising to the Falmouth ReStore
Falmouth, MA –The public is invited to a free, fun and family-friendly day at the Cape Cod British Car Club Show, happening Saturday, May 17th, from 12:30 to 3:00 PM at the Falmouth ReStore. See classic and modern British cars while supporting Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod.
The day will include raffles, contests and lunch for all event goers. Proceeds from the event will help Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod build affordable homes for local families.