Highfield Hall & Gardens is not your typical historic estate. While there's plenty of history within these glorious old walls, Highfield is a vibrant cultural center surrounded by restored gardens, peaceful walking trails and conservation land.
The house is a rare surviving example of transitional Stick Style architecture, containing
beautiful gardens located in the heart of Falmouth, Massachusetts. It is a unique
combination of a historic house, expansive gardens and trails, and a vibrant cultural
center. Built in 1878 as the summer home for Boston's Beebe family, the house sits on 5.5
pristine acres surrounded by nearly 400 acres of conservation land and public walking
trails. Highfield Hall & Gardens is not your typical historic estate. It is an example of a
historic building saved by grassroots community organizing. An effort of tenacity and
vision that continues as new research on the structure and its story of the people who
lived here add to the building's significance. It offers world-class music, international art
exhibitions, culinary classes, family programs, and year-round special events. For more
information, visit highfieldhallandgardens.org.
Member Since: 2015